Monday, March 2, 2009

Push ups work all the Major Muscle Groups

There is no other exercise on earth that works all these muscle groups at the same time. Your entire body benefits from an exercise that is so simple.
The obvious muscle that push ups will help is your chest and triceps but, it strengthens your abs and back just as much.

Many People hate push ups dating back to high school but, I think its time to embrace it. In a day and age where everyone is watching there pennies, push ups are one of the only things you can do for free. Instead of paying anywhere from 50-100$ a month for a gym membership stay home a do push ups or do them at work....That's the beauty of push ups you can do them anywhere.

We have become a society TV Watchers and Video Game players. We all have excuses for why we couldn't go to the gym.....Well now there is no excuse you can do push ups anywhere.

Challenge yourself......"Nothing feels better than Feeling good"

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