Sunday, March 15, 2009

5000 push up goal Day 12

I know Today is Sunday, and I know I did not post yesterday but, I did my push ups.

I did 300 push ups early yesterday and then helped a friend move. Last night I was laying on the couch from complete exhaustion....300 push ups and a day of bending, lifting, breaking, and did I say lifting lol

So today on my off day I will do some house work and give my aching body a rest.
I basically have 2 and 1/2 weeks left to hit my goal of 5000 push ups which I feel I am going to fly by.

At some point after my challenge I would like to work myself up to 10 sets of 50.
I will soon be doing 500 a day and 10 sets of 50 is how I would like to accomplish it.

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