Monday, March 9, 2009

5000 push up goal day 8

After hitting 300 push ups yesterday I had a tough time today. I did 270 push ups and then crapped out. I have to keep in mind that 270 push ups is still a lot even though i did more yesterday. Sometimes you should not push too hard because you risk injury or something very painful. I have pushed myself very hard in the last couple of days almost doubling my production.

As of day 8 I have done almost 1800 push ups well on my way to exceed my goal of 5000 push ups for the month of march.

One of the things that keeps me focused in my quest is knowing that I have committed to a daily blog. Throughout my workout every time I feel i want to quit I think of what I am setting out to do and how I want to conquer it. Its going to be tough but, it will be worth it when I hit my number.

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