Monday, March 2, 2009

How Pushups Helped my lower Back

I had lower back pain for a few months and it did not seem to go away no matter what I tried. I tried walking, stretching, and even going to the chiropractor. Nothing helped and if you have ever had back pain you know how uncomfortable and irritable you become. Now, like I have said a few times before I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be but, push ups helped me.

One day I was having extreme pain in my lower back and shooting pains down my right leg. I tried a stretch i saw on youtube and I ended up in a push up position. I began doing push ups and while I was doing them i actually felt my lower back stretching. Now, the push ups did not make the pain go away completely but it reduced it significantly. Most of the time if you are a bit overweight and have a belly it can lead to back pain. So what I find push ups help the most with is strengthening your core (a big portion of this is your midsection).

If you are suffering a lot from back pain and nothing has worked I would give push ups a try. I
f you start out doing a few you may enjoy the feeling of not being kept prisoner by your lower back like I was.

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