Tuesday, March 3, 2009

5000 push up goal- Day 3

Well after a very tough day 2 (thanks to shoveling) Day 3 was tough but they are getting easier.

I completed 180 push ups and feel very good. My entire body is very tight and it feels like my posture is getting better. I used to feel slouched and hunched over but the push ups are standing me upright

I spoke with someone yesterday who said " Push ups that's all your going to do?" I laughed when he said that because I would bet the ranch that he wouldn't be able to do 180 push ups a day.

For people reading this for the 1st time Push ups work out all the major muscle groups....its basically a full body workout when you do Push ups. This is a simple and basic exercise that will produce dramatic results.

In the coming days I will be posting videos of my daily routine.

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