Thursday, March 19, 2009

5000 push up goal Day 16

360 push ups today and that number will only climb
I am going to surpass my goal with no problem... I am already over 3500 push ups

The key to doing push ups is start off slow and work your way up. In the month of February when I started doing push ups for exercise I did around 50-100 push ups a day. With in a couple of weeks I was at 200 and, before you knew it I was at 300. You just need to take a few minutes each day to perform push ups and you are going to see their dramatic results on your body. Every week your going to notice changes on the shape of your body, and that will only make you want to do more. By the end of next week I hope to be doing 500 push ups daily.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

5000 push up goal day 15

I hit an all time high again
I did 350 push ups today and really busted through the last 50.
I hit 300 and I had an imaginary wall in my head....I just told myself 350.
After doing 300 all week I figured lets see if I can crank it up. So now I have created a new standard, i refuse to go below 350 now knowing that I can do 350 push ups.

I seriously feel great my body is starting to look good and it seems to be shaving some weight off my belly. The best part of seeing results is that it makes you want it that much'll strive for more each time. Come on Folks START PUSHING!!!

Push ups are a healthy and easy exercise and we should all embrace them.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

5000 push up goal Day 14

300 is a piece of cake now
I hit it with no problem......I can see differences in my body, my face looks thinner

I read an article that says push ups burns fat fast......If that is the case why isn't everyone doing push ups? My guess would be that people either hate them or they just do not think that push ups can produce such explosive results. But, trust me boy and girls Push ups are legit and they will transform your body if you give them a chance.

By the end of this Month I want to be doing 500 push ups a day.

5000 push up goal day 13

Although I did not write the post yesterday I assure you I did 300 push ups on Monday March 16, 2009. I had a long day with work and then had to go to a birthday party but, I found time through out the day to do 300 push ups. As I write this post I am working on Day 14

I can tell you that sugary food has an impact on my workout. Whenever I eat something that isn't that good for me I feel lethargic the next day. I am not saying I am going to completely knock out all bad foods but, I will schedule it and will eat it only in moderation.

This Push up challenge will start to change your life because in order to keep pushing you must adapt to your new way of life to reach that goal.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

5000 push up goal Day 12

I know Today is Sunday, and I know I did not post yesterday but, I did my push ups.

I did 300 push ups early yesterday and then helped a friend move. Last night I was laying on the couch from complete exhaustion....300 push ups and a day of bending, lifting, breaking, and did I say lifting lol

So today on my off day I will do some house work and give my aching body a rest.
I basically have 2 and 1/2 weeks left to hit my goal of 5000 push ups which I feel I am going to fly by.

At some point after my challenge I would like to work myself up to 10 sets of 50.
I will soon be doing 500 a day and 10 sets of 50 is how I would like to accomplish it.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Push Ups - A program for beginners

If you are new to push ups your probably going to have to start off small. Push ups are not the easiest exercise so a beginner will probably struggle for a little while.....But Keep Pushing they will get easier I promise.
Before you knock push up training you should definitely consider it.

Here is an interesting article on push ups and there benefits and how to get started

Push Up Intensity: Simple Push Ups

5000 push up goal day 11

ANOTHER 300 Push ups!!!!!!!!!!
I feel Good my body feels good....this is great

My Workout consists of stretching to begin because its tough to just jump into push ups with out the blood flowing.

10 sets X 30 reps

I am starting to feel like I can do more so tomorrow I may crank it up to 350 push ups.....Then Sunday is my day off.....haaaaaaaaa

Thursday, March 12, 2009

5000 push up goal day 10

Feeling Good Folks!!!!!!!!!! I just Keep pushing
I did another 300 push ups and I refuse to do lower than that from now on! I set a new standard.
I truly feel like a power house.

Only after a few weeks I feel more explosive, I am noticing definition in my triceps and shoulders, and I feel like my belly went down a bit. I have never had this kind of feeling working out....granted I am not trying to get bulky. If you are trying to get bulky and bigger I dont think push ups are for you. I feel more flexible but tighter..... its hard to explain. That is why you should just try em for yourself ...see what I mean
Keep Pushing

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

5000 push up goal day 9

After taking a day off because I was completely exhausted I have rebounded well.......I did 300 push ups.....10 sets of 30
I feel i have a pattern down 4 days on 1 day has worked for me so far. That day off gives my muscles a chance to relax and recoup.
I can start to see some cuts in my shoulders and my chest feels way more solid than it did 2 weeks ago.
My entire body feels pumped and solid.....I look like a gorilla but very solid lol

Monday, March 9, 2009

5000 push up goal day 8

After hitting 300 push ups yesterday I had a tough time today. I did 270 push ups and then crapped out. I have to keep in mind that 270 push ups is still a lot even though i did more yesterday. Sometimes you should not push too hard because you risk injury or something very painful. I have pushed myself very hard in the last couple of days almost doubling my production.

As of day 8 I have done almost 1800 push ups well on my way to exceed my goal of 5000 push ups for the month of march.

One of the things that keeps me focused in my quest is knowing that I have committed to a daily blog. Throughout my workout every time I feel i want to quit I think of what I am setting out to do and how I want to conquer it. Its going to be tough but, it will be worth it when I hit my number.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

5000 push up goal day 7

Its 10:30 Sunday Morning and I just completed 300 push ups!
I really just put everything I have into it....What a feeling !
I did 10 sets of 30.....after 210 is when I hit my wall but, I literally just kept pushing....I believe a huge part of working out is mental it is not just all physical....You have to be willing to do what you have not done to achieve.

I really feel a difference in my body and now after a hard push up workout I can see new cuts (definition) in my shoulders.

My goal of 5000 is getting closer and closer and I am getting stronger and stronger

Saturday, March 7, 2009

5000 Push Up Goal day 6

After hitting my all time high yesterday at 250 push ups....I did a bit less today....225 push ups today and was really tired. I didn't really eat much today and did not have much energy and I got through the workout but was dead tired.

I am still on a good pace to exceed 5000 push ups for the month of march
Although I did not feel that good today....Sometimes your body hits a wall and that's when we must push through that wall. Keep Pushing

Friday, March 6, 2009

5000 push up goal day 5

Although I took yesterday off due to a major migraine I more than made up for it today.
Today I hit my all time high 250 push ups
I was dying but, i feel so good......when i first started them today I was dreading to 200 but, as i got going i felt real strong. When I hit 200 i still felt i could do more.....banged out my last set of 50 and i am good to go.

My entire upper chest feels solid and my triceps feel as hard as rocks. Everything is tightening up and I feel more flexible.....hard to describe ....Find out For yourself
Keep Pushing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

5000 push up goal- Day 4

Wow i hit 200 push ups today.....At the pace I am at right now I will exceed the 5000 push ups I set out to do.

I was doing sets of 20 with an occasional set of 50 to end my workout. Today I did 5 sets of 30 push ups and finished with 50. My stamina is getting better and I hope to do sets of 50 push ups soon.

If you are somebody that is worried about how their triceps look or have those hanging arms. START doing Push ups! Your triceps will tighten up and if you do them consistently you will begin to see definition in your arms. Don't give up Keep Pushing everyday!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

5000 push up goal- Day 3

Well after a very tough day 2 (thanks to shoveling) Day 3 was tough but they are getting easier.

I completed 180 push ups and feel very good. My entire body is very tight and it feels like my posture is getting better. I used to feel slouched and hunched over but the push ups are standing me upright

I spoke with someone yesterday who said " Push ups that's all your going to do?" I laughed when he said that because I would bet the ranch that he wouldn't be able to do 180 push ups a day.

For people reading this for the 1st time Push ups work out all the major muscle groups....its basically a full body workout when you do Push ups. This is a simple and basic exercise that will produce dramatic results.

In the coming days I will be posting videos of my daily routine.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Push ups work all the Major Muscle Groups

There is no other exercise on earth that works all these muscle groups at the same time. Your entire body benefits from an exercise that is so simple.
The obvious muscle that push ups will help is your chest and triceps but, it strengthens your abs and back just as much.

Many People hate push ups dating back to high school but, I think its time to embrace it. In a day and age where everyone is watching there pennies, push ups are one of the only things you can do for free. Instead of paying anywhere from 50-100$ a month for a gym membership stay home a do push ups or do them at work....That's the beauty of push ups you can do them anywhere.

We have become a society TV Watchers and Video Game players. We all have excuses for why we couldn't go to the gym.....Well now there is no excuse you can do push ups anywhere.

Challenge yourself......"Nothing feels better than Feeling good"

How Pushups Helped my lower Back

I had lower back pain for a few months and it did not seem to go away no matter what I tried. I tried walking, stretching, and even going to the chiropractor. Nothing helped and if you have ever had back pain you know how uncomfortable and irritable you become. Now, like I have said a few times before I am not a doctor nor do I claim to be but, push ups helped me.

One day I was having extreme pain in my lower back and shooting pains down my right leg. I tried a stretch i saw on youtube and I ended up in a push up position. I began doing push ups and while I was doing them i actually felt my lower back stretching. Now, the push ups did not make the pain go away completely but it reduced it significantly. Most of the time if you are a bit overweight and have a belly it can lead to back pain. So what I find push ups help the most with is strengthening your core (a big portion of this is your midsection).

If you are suffering a lot from back pain and nothing has worked I would give push ups a try. I
f you start out doing a few you may enjoy the feeling of not being kept prisoner by your lower back like I was.

5000 pushup goal- Day 2

Well despite the fact that I live in the northeast United states and shoveled over a foot of snow I still managed to crank out 160 push ups. Now, I know I am a bit under the daily average needed to achieve my goal but, I shoveled for an hour and didn't want to hurt myself.

In the last two days I was able to finish a set of 50 straight push ups. It seems like a hard hill to climb but, when your done you feel great. I like to end the workout with a flurry and try to push myself the hardest when I know I am done.

I know by the end of this month I will be able to do a minimum of 200 push ups daily. I can feel my entire body getting tighter day by day.

Push Ups are addictive
Here I am in motion .....a little blurry and don't mind the wedgie or carpenter's crack

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Benefits of doing Push Ups

Let me first start off by saying I am not a doctor or an expert on the body but, in my experience there is not a better exercise.

Push ups work most major muscle groups so that eliminates having to go to the gym and work 1 body part a day. Push ups are free to do no monthly fees, no start up fees, and best of all you can do them anywhere. Push ups help maintain a healthy heart and body.

In my experience push ups build explosiveness it will not get you bulky but, will make you very strong. Think about it the United States has the Most Powerful Armed forces in the world and, what is there training methods???? PUSH UPS

Don't take my word for it......Do some push ups and when your done focus on how and where your body has tightened up. Its amazing how many muscle groups they work out.

5000 push up goal- Day 1

Needing and average of about 161 push ups daily to achieve my goal day 1 went well.

I did 165 push ups and felt a little soreness in my right shoulder at the end. My arms were shaking and felt like steel cables but I feel great. I want to do push ups everyday for 31 days and hit 5,000.....I have a feeling that i may blow past that number. That will only mean 1 thing....April's goal will have to be higher.

If your interested in exercising and not having to go to a gym I totally recommend push ups. Even if you are not good at them set a goal for yourself and I promise they get easier with practice.

My 5,000 push ups goal and how I started

Well i have done the gym thing for years but, it just gets to expensive and inconvenient. After taking a couple of months off from working out I started doing push ups. I can tell you right off the bat your entire body feels great. Now, I know a lot of people have a hard time doing push ups and probably hate them. One thing i learned was, keep doing them and they become easier, and ADDICTIVE!. I had very bad lower back pain and, the push ups actually helped stretch my lower back out and relieved a lot of my pain. After about two weeks of consistently doing push ups i noticed a difference in my arms in particular my triceps. I truly believe this is the only workout you really need.

I have been at it for a little over a month and try to do about 100 push ups a day. But, its March 1st and I decided to challenge myself......from March 1st-31st my goal is to hit 5000 push ups.

That's an average of 161 push ups a day. I think this is a challenging goal but, definitely attainable. Stay Tuned.