Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vigorous Work Out- Push Ups Burn Calories

Push Ups may be a very simple basic exercise but, Its a vigorous workout when done for an extended period of time.  I found a site that will measure the calories that you burn in relation to the exercise you are performing.

Now, if people just realized that there is no miracle drug or vitamin....no surgery or enhancement of any kind to replace or substitute hard work.  If you do 60 minutes of push ups a day you will burn close to 1000 calories....It is not easy but the results would be REAL and your body would be NEW.  Do not cheat yourself!  The more vigorous the better ! Push ups are the answer!

Im BACK- New Goal 1000 push ups daily

Although i took time off from Blogging about doing push ups I am glad to report I still do hundreds of push ups per day.  I am trying to hit my goal of 1000 push ups daily.

I alternate either sets of 40 or 60.  My back, arms, and chest are very tight and hard from constant push ups.  And, like I said last year Push ups absolutely help in relieving lower back pain.  here is the post

Stay tuned because I will be posting videos daily of my push up sets!